2025 NeuroPSI - Chen Institute joint conference on Brain, Behavior & Beyond

Social cognition, Decision making & Communication, May 19-20, 2025

In complex social environments, making adaptive choices relies heavily on the integration of social cognition, language and communication. These processes take diverse forms and are supported by different neural substrates across species.

Over two days integrating neuroscience and artificial intelligence, we will explore the dynamic interplay between social cognition, emotions, decision making and various communication and language systems from humans, primates, rodents, birds, pinnipeds and drosophilas.

We will host at NeuroPSI — the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience — several experts of this interdisciplinary research field:

Lola Cañamero    ETIS, CY Cergy Paris Université, France
Isabelle Charrier  
   NeuroPSI, Saclay, France
Jacqueline Clauss    Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, Baltimore, USA
Jan Clemens    European Neuroscience Institute, Göttingen, Germany
Sylvie Granon    NeuroPSI, Saclay, France
Richard Hahnloser    Institüt Neuroinformatik, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Christian Keysers    Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jean-Rémi King    Laboratoire des systèmes perceptifs, Paris, France
Ewelina Knapska    Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland
Adrien Meguerditchian    CRPN, Marseille, France
Diego Scheggia    Dept Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences, Univ of Milan, Italy
Simon Townsend            
Dept Evolutionary Anthropology, Zürich, Switzerland 

 You must register to attend the conference.  Download the flyer

Short talks and posters will be selected from the abstracts submitted on this website. Space is limited: we will select applicants in priority from submitted abstracts. Short talk abstracts that cannot be selected for oral presentation will be considered for a poster slot.

This is the third edition of the yearly NeuroPSI-Chen Institute Joint Conference on Brain, Behavior & Beyond, organized by the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI) and the Tianqiao & Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI).


The organizing committee is composed of NeuroPSI researchers. Coordinator: Cyrille Vaillend. NeuroPSI-Chen Institute Liaison : Valérie Doyère & François Rouyer. Members: Jean-Marc Edeline, Isabelle Charrier, Marion Rivalan, Sylvie Granon. Chen writers: Moran Aharoni, Léa Ceschi, Nastasia Mirofle.


About the Chen Institute: Driven by their intense desire to understand how perceptions are formed and impact our behaviour, husband and wife Tianqiao Chen and Chrissy Luo established the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute in 2016 with the mission to benefit humanity. Chen Institute partners with world-leading universities and research institutions to drive fundamental brain research through in three key areas – brain discovery, brain treatment, and brain enhancement.
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