
Full program coming soon...
Starts at Duration Day 1 Monday May 19 - SOCIAL COGNITION AND
09:15 00:05   François Rouyer Welcome to NeuroPSI
09:20 00:10   Yan Li The Chen institute
09:30 00:45 Session 1
Social cognition and emotion.

Christian KEYSERS

A cross-species approach to the neural bases of empathy and prosociality.

10:15 00:45 Ewelina KNAPSKA

Title: to be announced.

11:00 00:30 Coffee break  
11:30 00:45

Jacqueline CLAUSS


Title: to be announced.

12:15 00:45  

Short talks:
to be selected.

13:00 02:00 Lunch + posters
15:00 00:45 Session 2
Social decision-making.



Title : to be announced.


15:45 00:45 Diego SCHEGGIA Neural circuits for social decision-making.

16:30 00:30 Coffee break  
17:00 00:25

Short talks: to be selected.


17:25 00:45



Emotion, Social Cognition, Decision Making and Communication: Where Can Robots and Neuroscience Meet?

18:10 00:50 Posters
19:00 03:00 Diner at 19:30.
Bus service leaves NeuroPSI at 19:00.
Starts at Duration Day 2 Tuesday May 20 -
09:30 00:45 Session 3
Simon TOWNSEND Evolution of syntax: insights from great ape communication.
10:15 00:45 Adrien MEGUERDITCHIAN

The origins of human language: Insight from neuroethology of gestural communication in nonhuman primate.

11:00 00:30 Coffee break  
11:30 00:45

Jean-Rémi KING


Towards a neural code for language.


12:15 00:45



Short talks: to be selected.
13:00 02:00 Lunch + posters
15:00 00:45 Session 4
Social communication.

Isabelle CHARRIER Onset of individual vocal recognition in Pinnipeds.
15:45 00:45 Richard HAHNLOSER Data Science Approaches to Brain, Meaning, and the Evolution of Animal Vocalizations.
16:30 00:30 Coffee break  
17:00 00:25

Short talks: to be selected.


17:25 00:45



Uncovering the secret social live of fruit flies with computational tools.

18:10 00:10 Cyrille VAILLEND Concluding remarks of the Organizing Committee
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